
Annotated Bibliography

Aubrey, J. S. (2007). The impact of sexually objectifying media exposure on negative body emotions and sexual self-perceptions: Investigating the mediating role of body self-consciousness. Mass Communication & Society, 10(1), 1-23. doi:10.1080/15205430701229584
In this article, Aubrey examines the effects of exposing women to images of other women who fit the cultural thin ideal, and the impact that exposure has on the subjects' perception of their own physical appearance.  In her study, the women consistently used more negative self-descriptors after being exposed to the images than without said exposure.

Aubrey, J. S., Henson, J. R., Hopper, K. M., & Smith, S. E. (2009). A picture is worth twenty words (about the self): Testing the priming influence of visual sexual objectification on women's self-objectification. Communication Research Reports, 26(4), 271-284. doi:10.1080/08824090903293551
This article is very similar to the one mentioned immediately before.  Women were exposed to images of female models with either a lot of exposed skin or images where only part of a female body is visible.  They were then asked to describe themselves.  The photos with a lot of skin appeared to cause women to be less satisfied with the way they look.  The photos of female body parts didn’t have as much of an impact.

Bergstrom, R. L., Neighbors, C., & Malheim, J. E. (2009). Media comparisons and threats to body image: Seeking evidence of self-affirmation. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 28(2), 264-280. Retrieved from
In this article, Bergstrom, Neighbors, and Malheim discuss whether or not women, who are very discrepant from the women shown in the media, respond to that threat by considering aspects of the self which are not related to physical appearance as being more important after exposure to those images.  The research shows that they do, indeed, affirm themselves based on internal characteristics after viewing images which threaten the value they place on their appearances.

David, P., Boyne, N., & German, T. (2009). Thinness portrayals of fashion models: Perceived body dissatisfaction in self and others. Visual Communication Quarterly, 16(2), 67-78. doi:10.1080/15551390902803812
This article is similar to the first articles I mention here.  Subjects are exposed to different photographs of models and then their body satisfaction level is examined.  The interesting part of this article is that it looks at how viewing the photographs affected the way women perceived other women’s bodies.  Viewing thin models made women view other women as less physically attractive.

Holmstrom, A. J. (2004). The effects of the media on body image: A meta-analysis. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 48(2), 196-217. Retrieved from
In this article, Holmstrom provides evidence that the media’s depiction of thin women as having the ideal body type does not cause (or at least only causes very little) body dissatisfaction in women.  Her research also shows that depictions of over-weight women in the media increases body satisfaction in audiences.

Jerslev, A. (2006). The mediated body. NORDICOM Review, 27(2), 133-151. Retrieved from
This article is really interesting.  Jerslev basically did case studies of television programming which she claims causes viewers to view the idea of a body as something which is meant to be transformed and modified.  She seems to avoid examining whether or not this is healthy or unhealthy for women’s attitudes towards themselves, and instead simply explains that this phenomenon is occurring and how these television programs create those ideas.

Smeesters, D., & Mandel, N. (2006). Positive and negative media image effects on the self. Journal of Consumer Research, 32(4), 576-582. Retrieved from
Smeesters and Mandel, in this article, set out to explain whether or not exposure to thin or heavy media images will have positive or negative effects on audience’s body image.  They found that it depends on how heavy or thin the model is, and the way the body image is measured.  Participants were 84 females.  It was found that the more extreme the condition of the body of the model, the more impact was evident in the body of those 84 females.

Sohn, S. H. (2009). Body image: Impacts of media channels on men's and women's social comparison process, and testing of involvement measurement. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 17(1), 19-35. doi:10.1080/15456870802505670
This study was done to determine the differences between the body dissatisfaction of men or women caused by socially comparison to television programming and magazines.  Sohn found that men found fewer differences between themselves and the men portrayed on television, where women felt they did not compare to the women in the programming.  The interesting part of this was that the article suggests this is likely because there is less variety in the physical appearances of women on television as opposed to men...whose characters show more variety in appearance.  Magazines caused a nearly equivalent comparison levels in both men and women. 

Tiggemann, M., & Amy Slater, A. (2004). Thin ideals in music television: A source of social comparison and body dissatisfaction. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 35(1), 48-58. doi:10.1002/eat.10214
This article was interesting because it focused specifically on music television.  Its claim is that, like the title suggests, music television is a form of media which causes viewers to compare themselves to the individuals depicted in the programming.  The result of the study was evidence that viewing music television which depicted thin women increased body dissatisfaction in female audience members.

Watson, R., & Vaughn, L. M. (2006). Limiting the effects of the media on body image: Does the length of a media literacy intervention make a difference? Eating Disorders, 14(5), 385-400. doi:10.1080/10640260600952530
This article positions itself uniquely in this discussion.  Watson and Vaughn consider whether or not educating women about the pressures put on them by the media has the potential to reverse the negative effects the media can hypothetically have on a woman’s body image.  The results are that education can decrease body dissatisfaction.

That's all...

We hate her, but we want to be her. What?

Based on my experiences with the media, there has been a very clearly defined stock character in films and television of The Popular Girl.  She has many aliases: The Bitch, The Snob, The Maneater, The Hot Chick, The Evil One, The Queen, The Manipulator, The Seductress, The Fake One, The It Girl, etc.

Because this girl is almost always cast as the "bad guy" in the media, we (or maybe it's just me) generally identify more with her nemesis The Good Girl (The Girl Next Door, The Geek, The Plain Jane, The Virgin, etc.).  We're almost always supposed to root for this girl instead of The Popular Girl.  And, in the end, she almost always wins.

This is what's interesting, though: I have a girlfriend who told me recently that she wants to be just like Regina George.  Regina George is The Popular Girl in the movie Mean Girls.  As the title implies, she is mean.  She is the leader of the popular girl group.  She is beautiful.  She is powerful.  She is evil.  Katy (The Good Girl) is smart and kind and cultured and cool.  She ends up trying to be like Regina, but then learns the oh so important message that being kind to other people is more important than being cool, and looking good on the inside is better than looking good on the outside.  Regina goes down in flames.  Really original plot line.

So why does my girlfriend want to be like Regina???  She is clearly painted as the "bad guy."  She loses in the end.  The Good Girl gets the guy, etc.  I don't get it.  I didn't ask her why.  I know. I should've.  But instead I'll just have to guess...

I think the reason girls want to be like these girls we hate, is because even though we know all about how looks and popularity shouldn't be that important and being a good person should...blah blah blah.... we're still constantly told about this in ways that contradict that message.  Even in Mean Girls.  Yeah The Good Girl wins in the end, but up until then The Popular Girl is basically worshipped.  Think about the movie Grease.  In order to get the guy in the end, Sandy has to throw out all her morals and pick up smoking...and we LOVE her for it!  Why? Because now suddenly she's everything we preach against, but that makes her so much hotter.  Really cool girls.  Great role model.

Terrible.  It's terrible.  We ladies need to stop being so confused, and so inconsistent!  And I'm sure a similar phenomena occurs with men trying to be The Badass.  The media glorifies these villain characters and depicts them as the most unattainable, and therefore desirable, types of people to be.  I just see all these young girls trying to look sexy when they're 12, and worrying about their waistlines even earlier, and I hate it.  As a society, we're sending them the wrong message.  The media very consistently tells young, impressionable individuals that bad is good.  And maybe my understanding of the words is a little off, but that just doesn't seem to make sense.

That's all...

Back Off Media

So there are apparently are a bunch of television shows about "real" housewives??? My understanding is that these shows are the realty TV version of Desperate Housewives.  Since our class just finished its discussion on television, I felt these programs would make a fitting topic for my blog! 

One of these shows is on right now.  It's in Atlanta...for the those of you who watch and want to know what I'm referencing.  Apparently there are also versions for Orange County, New York, New Jersey, D.C., and Beverly Hills. Wow.  After walking in on one of these shows the other day, I decided to discuss the messages that were being sent to me, the viewer.

One of the main focuses of the episode was the plastic surgery one the housewives had gotten.  She got a nose job and some kind of breast surgery.  The most interesting part of the situation was the way the other housewives reacted.  When the son of the woman who got the surgery saw her in her bandages, he seemed upset.  She said she just wanted to make parts of her look better.  He said those parts weren't really hers anymore after surgery, though.  When the other housewives were interviewed about his reaction, they were sort of upset with him.  They said he should support her decision, and that they're her body parts so she should be able to do whatever she wants.

There is a lot of controversy over plastic surgery.  If there wasn't, it wouldn't be so common to keep it a secret.  If there wasn't controversy over plastic surgery there wouldn't be headline after headline on celebrity gossip magazines reading "Did she or didn't she?"  I happen to be pretty indifferent.  I can't see myself ever getting it, but to each his or her own.  So don't mistake what I say next to be an anti-plastic surgery rant.  That's not my intention whatsoever.

Then point I'd like to make is simply this: there is version upon version of this show, each of them with viewer upon viewer upon viewer.  That means all those people are constantly being exposed to media that won't allow them to stop thinking about appearances.  These shows are constantly about appearances.  Looks are constantly the focus.  The body is presented as something that should be molded and modified to fit someone else's idea of perfect.  Even when the women on these shows are talking about how great they look, they're still talking about how they look.  And the reason I got so worked up, is that this is one of those shows that doesn't overtly say it's about looks, but it is.  Think of all the people who watch things like What Not to Wear or America's Next Top ModelEverybody Loves Raymond was on at Applebee's last night, and even that whole episode was about whether or not Ray's wife should get a boob job.

I think media audiences just need a break.  I seriously think a big part of why so many people are so unhappy with the way they look is that they are constantly, constantly, constantly told to think about their physical appearance.  Whether they're told to love it, change it, embrace it, hate it, etc., they should be able to go through a day without being reminded to think about how they look.  The Physical Appearance is like a media created God that it forces everyone to worship by not allowing them to look away.  Maybe I'm being dramatic, but I for one would love to open up the Internet or turn on the TV without being bombarded with these messages. 

Back off media.  Just let me be me.
That's all...


TV Timeout

No TV for 72 hours!  So I have to say...this assignment probably wasn't as life altering for me as it was for others in our class (cou-Jasmine-gh).  I hardly ever watch any TV.  Once in a while I'll catch up with a show online.  Even more rare are the times when I sit down in front of the television in our living room.  I pretty much only watch TV socially.  I'll go to a friend's place to watch the game, for example.  There weren't any gatherings during our TV famine, though, so I can honestly say I didn't have to make any lifestyle adjustments.  I get my news online.  I get my entertainment from other sources (books, exercise, human interaction, etc.).  I can't think of a single thing that I ever try to find out and turn to the TV in order to do so.  I have the Internet...and it is much more convenient to me.  Not only does it have more information, but you ,at very least, seem to have so much more control over what information you access at what time.

The hardest part for me was avoiding TVs in public places.  We have them on every wall at the restaurant where I work, and sometimes I would catch myself glancing to, say, see the score.  In other words, I don't usually voluntarily turn on the tube, but when it's on in the vicinity it's hard not to give it any of my attention.  Not only was it difficult at times to physically stay away from the TV, but it's also difficult to keep it out of conversation.  I was paying extra attention to its prevalence in my life, and I realized that people don't just watch TV a lot, but they talk about it for what seems like the rest of the time!  It's crazy how much it infiltrates our thoughts; TV must be pretty powerful.

Because I don't usually watch TV, I did not find myself needing to replace it with a different medium.  I go to school full time and work two jobs, so I would hardly have time to watch it if I wanted to. I get my news online.  I get my entertainment from other sources (books, exercise, human interaction, etc.).  I can't think of a single thing that I've ever tried to find out and turned to the TV in order to do so.  I have the Internet...and it is much more convenient to me.  Not only does it have more information, but you ,at very least, seem to have so much more control over what information you access at what time.  There are so many things on TV that I don't want to see, that it doesn't usually seem worth my time to filter through.

That's all...